Sunday, September 10, 2006

Project Plan

I'm wishing that this software would allow me to assign categories to my posts. Some of them, you will have noticed, are specifically about the Chartership process, others about things that I have done or am working on which will support my application, and still others that are somewhat more information-generic.

Well this one is about Chartership process. One of my actions coming out of my first mentoring meeting was to create a timeline for this process. I have done it and I have to say, it doesn't look too gruelling (famous last words). I guess the idea is that you do work towards this goal 'little and often'.

I now need to focus on going through all of my physical and electronic files from previous jobs to identify some bits and pieces for my portfolio. I also need to set up the folders on my work PC so that I can store shortcuts to relevant pieces of work as I go along (little and often, little and often - this is going to become my mantra for this process).

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