Friday, June 08, 2007

Umbrella 2007 – clippers2007 wiki

My company has agreed to pay for me to attend the Umbrella conference this year. I’d not heard of it before my mentor suggested that it might be worth attending and as it is in my backyard this year, it seemed like a good plan. Fortunately, I have an employer who believes in supporting staff CPD (it helped that they didn’t have to pay for travel or accommodation) so they were happy to give me the time and the delegate fees.

I had sort of forgotten about it, to be honest, as I had taken my eye off of the CPD ball lately but reading another Chartership colleague’s blog ‘Musings of a chartering librarian’ (opens in new window) this morning, I was reminded that a few of us on the LIS-CILIP-REG list (a listserv for chartership candidates) had agreed to update a wiki together – (opens in new window). So I have just gone and added my two cents to the ‘Who we are’ page.

I hope to be able to make some notes at the Conference that I can post both here and add to the wiki…

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